Thursday, January 5, 2012

70 years later . . .

January 4, 1942.  World War II has started and young men will be heading off to fight in foreign lands.  A young couple in love go to the movies--and it's sold out.  Al asks Pat what she would like to do until the next showing, and she replied "get married."  So they did (I must remember to ask the details--did they go find a justice of the peace?  Was the courthouse still open?)

Being good kids who do not tell their parents an untruth--and they had told them that they were going to the movies--they went back to the theater and watched the show.

Would they have ever dreamed that 70 years later they would be able to watch the same movie, now on a little flat plastic disc, on a screen in their apartment?

A long, full, rich 70 years.  And yet--Busby Berkeley productions are still lavish, Judy Garland still has a great set of pipes, and Al and Pat are still in love.

The good things last.

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