Teotitlan del Valle is known as "the village of the weavers" (villages tend to have specialties--some villages have potters, some are agricultural) so I was in heaven. But there is the similar feeling here as that in the market in Oaxaca, that I can only call "desperate abundance." There are beautiful rugs for sale everywhere--and all rather the same. Who is to buy them all?
We walked to the church (where a friend of Roberta's admired Bob's beard--the natives seem to be able to grow mustaches but not beards). Although we were allowed to take pictures inside, we didn't. The paintings, statues, incense, flowers, saints, and Christ crucified are so beautiful, so big, so overwhelming that to try to reduce it to a few snapshots would diminish the memory.
Roberta then took us to visit the woman's cooperative. This is an anomaly in rural Mexico--women are expected to remain in the home, not be activists. But through their work with the community has earned them respect, and a voice in the village meetings. Their work is at the grassroots level, and it's having an effect. One of their earlier efforts was to help clean up the village--they got large recycled paint cans, cleaned and painted them (with sayings such as "water is life" and "don't pollute", and put them around the town so people had a place to put their trash rather than throw it in the street. At first emptying the cans was done by a volunteer but the village eventually set up a trash pickup. The women also raised contributions and did the work to plant some 400 trees to replace those cut for firewood and reduce water runoff.
The project that interested us the most was their modification of a traditional Zapotec cooking tradition: a comal (round, slightly curved griddle) over an open flame. This has a few drawbacks--it's smoky, a bit dangerous if children are running around, and uses quite a bit of wood. The cooperative designed a modified stove--by simply building a clay wall around most of the cooking area and adding a vent to the outside, they removed the smoke, and greatly reduced the amount of wood needed to cook--all without taking away the tradition.
I realize this post is growing a little pedantic--but I was really impressed with the changes these women are making.
So . . time to go back. No taxis are hanging around Teotitlan del Valle on a Sunday afternoon, so we waited on the street corner for the bus. Normally they would run to Oaxaca, but Sunday is the market day in the next village over (which I won't even try to spell) so they were running there instead. So into the next town, down the block to the next bus station (grabbing some fresh bread and fruit at a stand, just in case the munchies hit), and on the bus back to Oaxaca. A quiet stroll, a quesadilla at a stand in the park (you watch her make the tortilla, then fill it with cheese and herbs as it cooks on the comal), and back to the room to repack--the tour starts tomorrow!
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