Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Startitus":  a tendency to begin projects.  Think I've caught it.  Current projects:

Knitting:  black alpaca mitts, white lace sock, squares for another pair of felt slippers.

One one loom, some trim that's been there since August.  Decided that used too fine of a yarn for the pattern to show, so I don't really like it, so it's sitting there.   On the other loom is a mixed-fiber scarf.  In the textile labs that I teach the students are given bags of fiber samples--some we use, and some we don't.  The "don'ts" have been piling up over the years.  Some of them are pretty nice--camel down, yak down, angora.  So I brought them home.  Literally a hundred little bags with a wee pinch of fiber in each one.  It took forever just to open them--for a total of about two onces of fiber which I carded together into a lovely soft gray batt.  For the warp I used some alpaca/silk yarn from a previous failed project--so the entire thing is recycled.  I'm still spinning the weft--using my charkha.  Despite it's small size, it's an amazingly efficient spinning wheel for short fibers.  And a special shuttle makes it more efficient.  Normally you spin yarn, wind it into a skein, then into a ball, then fill the weaving bobbins.  For the charkha, you fill the little spindle, then pop it into the shuttle and start weaving.  Pretty cool.

So of course I decide I need to start something new.  I really had fun making the warp painted fabric for the skirt a few months ago and want to make some more.  Never mind that my dye kitchen isn't heated and it's a mite chilly out there.  I at least wound the white yarn, and figured out my palette.  Now to clear off a loom . . .
So that's five projects in process and another one started.  With my confessions now out there, maybe I can get the antidote to startitus: finishupitis.  It's far more rare . . .

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