So . . . the last month. First of all, Azrael. He was a birthday gift from Fate 13 years ago. We were coming home, and the car ahead of us on the highway had just run over a cat! Poor thing was screaming in the road. When we rescued him, we found that it had gone *over* him--not hit him. Scraped him, and embedded some gravel, but he wasn't hurt. My first thought was that it had gone over his feet--they looked splayed and huge. Turned out he's a polydactyl--has extra toes on his front feet. Bob's Dad nicknamed him "Snowshoes."
Almost three years ago he developed a sarcoma on his back leg. In that time we've had it removed 7 times. Seems a bit excessive, but within a few days after the surgery he'd be back to having 100% use of the leg again, so it was worth it. But a few days after my last post, it went really bad, and it was obvious that it couldn't be removed again (this was only a month after the last removal). We made the heartbreaking decision to have the leg removed (the alternative was to put him down. But he's otherwise a healthy cat). Fortunately, he is adapting pretty well to being a "tripod". And adapting very well to being spoiled. It still gives us a twinge to see him hopping around--but I'm glad he's still with us. And if you get the angle right, you can't tell that anything is missing.
Meanwhile have gotten a couple of small things made. One of the departing professors left a bag of yarn for the textile lab students to use for samples. I looked at it--and its alpaca!!! Heck with the students--I got them some acrylic yarn. Some of the alpaca went for my mitts--keeps the hands warm while reading or using the computer. If you look closely, the pattern on the back looks like an owl.
I also spun some yarn to make a shawl for the woman who cooks on the woodstove at the farm--she kept the haunted trail team going with pots of homemade soup. To make it a good working shawl, I a) made it of wool, which doesn't catch fire, b) made the long tails which now have a cord to tie behind the back to keep it all out of the way, and c) made it of natural gray--soot colored. Like all knitted lace, it looked like an uninspired wad fresh off the needles--but with a little washing and stretching it looks quite nice!
And I've made a couple of batches of fruitcakes--more today.
Last night we got up at 3:00 a.m. to see the meteor showers. There were a few really nice ones--but the temps were in the 20's and a warm bed seemed inviting . . .
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