OK--Mom has alerted me that I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. Catch-22--if I have time to post, it means I'm not doing much to write about. If I have something worth posting, I'm busy doing it and not writing about it.
So--in the last couple of weeks I've adopted two litters of baby possums--13 total. One litter is sweet, one is a bunch of hissy-boos.
Late March I found a great computer armoire at Goodwill. But to move my computer into it meant having to unplug the modem and wireless router--meaning no internet connection. I didn't trust my ability to get it all put back together correctly, and I didn't dare not have internet during the school term, so the armoire sat in the living room for six weeks or so. Now it's finally where it belongs (and I still have the internet). The armoire is a folding office--the lower half swings out to make a secondary desk (with a hanging file folder area underneath it), and the doors have shelves on them. I can't get far enough away in that room to get a full picture (my big loom is in there and it gets in the way) but here's a bit (with a before shot--Mom will remember that my teachers at school use to tell her about my messy desks):

Of course, I'm not going to mention all the stuff that's piled up on the floor out of camera range . .

I finished the set of dishtowels that I had on my smaller loom. I had them there just to have something to weave when I felt like it, so they've been there for a few months. But I wanted the little loom back, so I finished them. There's something nice about using handmade items for everyday use.

The reason that I needed the little loom back is that I'm on a kick of weaving trim. I have a friend in the SCA (medieval group) and we're kicking around the idea of selling trim--I get to do the fun part of making it, she does the annoying part of selling it. We think there's a market. Right now the choice is either using store-bought trim--which looks machine made--or authentically-woven trim (made on small, hand-manipulated looms) that runs about $30 yard. I can weave it pretty quickly on my looms--but I've felt a little silly weaving inch-wide strips on my 40 inch wide loom. I just sent some sample to her--so hoping there is a market to give me an excuse to keep playing with this. It's just instant gratification--making something simple like a dishtowel still takes several hours to set up the loom--and you have to thread almost 500 pieces of yarn. Trim takes about 40 pieces, and can be ready to go in an hour.
We made it out in the kayaks for a while this morning. Spotted a nest with three baby anhinga--couldn't get a good picture but they were quite adorable. And we drifted for quite some time watching fledging osprey try out their new wings, playing with the wind currents like kids on a skateboard ramp. And we're always struck by the incredible beauty that is just minutes from home.

And that's why I haven't been posting. After all, I *do* have a job, as well.